Welcome. :)

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my successes and failures along my journey to becoming an anthropologist. My most prominent interest anthropologically are the new approaches to handing food security/healthy eating in the US, particularly in urban "food deserts". I enjoy the Anthropology of Tourism as well; combining food and tourism has scholarly promise. My other interests which have converted into anthropological hobbies of sorts include converts to Islam, diaspora of Muslims, and MENA in general. I also have some interest in historical archaeology.

I welcome comments, discussion and even respectful debating. I will however keep discussions to a respectable level. I reserve the right to ban anyone from this forum.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Started once again!!

I have started once again blogging. I have jettisoned all my old ones and will use this one as a way to vent, talk about my college career. Speaking of careers, can college be a career? :) Not very lucrative I know. Actually a few of my goals are to buy a home somewhere UNincorporated AND is zoned for a reptile sanctuary. Yup folks. I love them all with scales.

There have been some women who have inspired this blog renaissance. of mine. They are all bloggers.


and last but not least....


Alright, those are my only 5 regular blogs I read. I am sure there are more than that with value.

About school...I graduated from http://www.valencia.edu/ with my A.A this past year. I am now at http://www.ucf.edu/। I like it and I don't. My focus is culture with a minor in MidEast Studies. I am not keen on one of my classes. His classes are umm....non inspiring. I love my other classes however. Taking People's of the World, Cultural Anthropology, Sex, Gender and Culture and The Human Species. I was signed up for Islamic Thought and Culture but dropped it. The Professor said he was from heaven. That is true but seriously, I had no time for it. Parking is a BEAR at my school so a 1:30 pm class is just not going to happen unless I get down there by 7:00 am. lol

Well, that's all for now folks. I am back to the study grindstone. I may complain about my apartment complex tomorrow. lol I have current issues!!

Peace out...


archaeologygirl said...

Good for you!

Anthrogeek10 said...

I like your start up. Think you can keep it up? :) I used to like journaling but got away from it.....until now.

Um Naief said...

is this who i think it is??? the lizard gave you away, if so. :)

so... you're married now?? he looks british... :)

looking forward to reading more of your blog.

Anthrogeek10 said...

Um Naief,

No..lol...he looks British for sure. :) Anyhow, yup, this is me..the one who never got to meet you while we were on that TINY island at the same time. :)

I read your blog still..obviously...


Anonymous said...


It is very flattering to be cited as one of your inspirations to begin blogging!

Sadly the classes which you are studying and which I also find fascinating are so unlikely to be offered . . . yet . . . in Saudi Arabia.

Good luck with your blogging and all the best!

American Bedu

Anthrogeek10 said...

Thats a shame American Bedu. I hope changes will come to the Kingdom....